Camberley WI

Annual Meeting - November 2019
We were sad to see Liz step down after 8 years as our inaugural President, but wish Paula all the best as she steps into the role.
We were lucky to have on display the banner belonging to the old Camberley WI. They were formed in 1922, closed in 2006, and used to meet in the daytime at the Caird Hall. Originally called Crawley Hill WI they changed their name to Camberley WI in 2003. Following George VI’s coronation they were given some of the fabric which draped the inside of Westminster Abbey during the ceremony, and this was made into a banner, which was lent to us by Surrey Heath museum for last night’s meeting.

After the business it was time to get down the serious task of our annual Bring and Buy sale. We raised over £400 for our chosen charities.